Nine drones to form Chennai Police’s Mobile Drone Unit – The Hindu

These will embrace quick-response particular payload drones, prolonged-differ surveillance drones and one life guard drone, and are Extra probably to be stationed On The metropolis’s beveryes or its buying hub, Pondy Bazaar

An complete of 9 drones, collectively with six quick-response particular payload drones, two prolonged-differ surveillance drones and one life guard drone will type The mannequin new ‘Drone Police Unit’ of the Greater Chennai Police. The Tamil Nadu authorities issued orders sanctioning ₹3.60 crore for the typeation of the drone unit earlier this month.

The G.O. adopted an announcement made by Chief Minister M.K. Stalin Inside the Meeting that a Mobile Drone Unit Can be shaped as An factor of the Greater Chennai Police.

The quick-response particular payload drone Shall be multi-rotor In a place to interchangeable payloads, And ought to have a HD digital camera with thermal/Evening time imaginative and prescient. It is going to be In a place to stay stream video, And in addition Might have a 100-gram loudspeaker for public bulletins. The two.5 kg drone, has a 2 km regular flying differ and Half-hour regular flight time.

The prolonged-differ surveillance drone Can be a 5 kg hybrid drone (quadcopter & wing plane) for vertical take-offs and landings and would have 100 minutes of regular flight time and 30 km regular flying differ. The 12 kg life guard drone Can be extreme-powered and heavy enhance, In a place To fifteen minutes of regular flight time and has a 1 km flying differ.

“Completely different options like, optimum zoom digital camera with Automated Quantity Plate Readers (ANPR), automatic deployment of police personnel, Synthetic Intelligence carried out Inside The underside Station and a Devoted Floor Station Unit for every drone would Even be constructed-in,” the G.O. said.

The three Kinds of drones are Extra probably to be deployed Inside the Mobile Drone Police Unit initially at Marina Bevery (adjoining to Gandhi Statue) within D-5 Marina Police Station limits, at Elliots Bevery within J-5 Shastri Nagar Police Station limits or Pondy Bazaar within R-4 S.P. Angady Police Station limits.

These drones are to be housed at A quick stayd construction fabricated using container cabins with a ground flooring To be used as a administration room and an extremeer deck for drone operations.


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